Unbelievable is a crime-drama mini-series (eight 45-60 minutes episodes) based on a true story, which follows the story of Marie, a teenager with a troubles past that is charged with lying about being raped. It then jumps a couple of years into the future to focus on two detectives from different counties who are investigating other cases which, by pure luck, they find out have a lot in common and may be the doing of a serial rapist, so they merge their investigations and start working together.

The show might be triggering and uncomfortable to some people, so viewer discretion is advised. But if you can bear being a little uncomfortable,  you’ll be able to empathise with it’s characters, their struggles and their will to find the truth.

The cast is exceptional, with incredible performances by Toni Collette, Merritt Wever and Kaitlyn Dever, all of whom received Golden Globes, Critic’s Choice, and/or SAG nominations for their work.

So, all in all, if you have the chance, you think the plot might be interesting and this kind of story isn’t triggering to you, you should definitely watch this show. It’s very “bingeable” (I watched it in two days) and super worth it,

You can watch it on Netflix.