Do you remember when you were a kid and someone took you to the movies to watch some action flickĀ  and after it ended you left the place punching and kicking the air in excitement imagining you were part of that universe for a bit? Well, that happened to me again after watching The Last Dance but instead of fighting an invisible foe I just wanted to play basketball (which I suck at) sooooooo bad.

The Last Dance follows the 1997-1998 season of the Chicago Bulls, but goes back and forth in time to further expand and put into context how on of the greatest sports dynasty got there, specially focusing on Michael Jordan’s career.

If you like basketball, or even sports in general, this mini-series documentary is truly a must watch. It won’t disappoint you. It will show you such an amazing point of view of what was going on behind the scenes and what these great sports figures had on their mind.

You can watch The Last Dance on Netflix. And if you don’t do it, MJ will take it personal… (watch the documentary if you want to find out why!)