Don’t be fooled by the movie’s name, this is far from a superhero movie. It’s a movie about abusive relationships, about survival, and about doing everything you can to escape hell on Earth and helping others do it as well.

Olivia Wilde plays Sadie, a woman who was victim of an extremely violent and abusive husband, which she manages to escape from after enduring tragedies no human being should have to go through. However, she decides to dive back into the world of domestic violence in order to help other women and children that are trapped in similar situation to the one she once was in.

This movie is kind of divisive. Some people find it dull, and other people love it. I fall into the second category. Don’t go in expecting an action packed movie. This is more of a psychological drama and/or thriller .

I’m not gonna lie, A Vigilante is a tough watch if domestic abuse is a particularly sensible topic for you. It has quite graphical descriptions of violence, so it may be triggering to some people out there. However, if it’s something you think you can endure, then definitely watch it. Olivia Wilde‘s performance is out of this world. She manages to transmit strength and weakness, rawness and warmth, confidence, insecurity and emotional instability, all at the same time.  Great and powerful acting all around.

If you can’t find it anywhere else, I was able to find A Vigilante on Popcorn Time.