The Trial of the Chicago 7, as the name suggests, tells the story of 7 (or 8?) anti-war protestors that were prosecuted after the riots that took place at the time of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where people that were protesting the Vietnam war clashed with the police.

This is me once again recommending a political movie. What can I say? I find politics entertaining. Mix that with court room drama, great performances by Eddie Redmayne, Sacha Baron Cohen (side note: the acting range of this man is otherworldly), Jeremy Strong and company, alongside excellent dialogue, and you’ve got yourself one of the better films of 2020.

I will keep it short and simple this time. I think the trailer speaks for itself and makes a great job of representing how good a movie this one is. So, do yourself a favor and go watch it on Netflix. ’nuff said.