Knock Down the House follows the 2018 primary campaigns of 4 US candidates to Congress, including soon-to-be political-figure Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

All of the featured candidates, who were chosen by social organizations, share progressive views for the American future. They also have the distinction of not being career politicians, but regular working-class people with a strong sense of social justice, challenging fellow candidates that have held their seats for multiple terms, even decades, who they feel have fell short representing the citizens that elected them.

I know it seems weird for me to be recommending this movie. After all, I’m Argentinian, not American, I don’t live in the US, and if you know me, you probably are aware that I’m not even really interested in my own country’s politics. However, for a while  I’ve been following US politics (after all, US culture has a heavy influence on my day-to-day life) and I found them deeply interesting. Even tough they may not directly affect my everyday life, they usually make me think about certain social and economics topics, ideologies and stances.

If you are not interested on that aspect, I would still recommend this movie, specially because of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‘ story. Not only she managed to upset 2018’s election by beating her district’s incumbent, but took the US Congress by storm the following years with progressive initiatives, challenging injustices when she sees them and not backing down to her fellow representatives that want to play her down. You may share her views or not, but I think she is such a big inspiration and a great example for young people who are resolved to change the world where we live.

Anyways, if you are sold on it, the good news is that not only you can watch Knock Down the House on Netflix, but is was al made available for free for everyone on YouTube!