I may be a little biased on this one because I really admire Bill Gates, but if you are a little bit interested in his story outside of Microsoft and his humanitarian labor, you’ll definitely enjoy Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates.

As the title suggest, this three episode docuseries tries to give you a glimpse of what’s going on inside Bill Gate’s head and how different moments in his life lead to his current view of the world and why he decided to tackle different initiatives, both in the business world and in with his and Melinda’s foundation.

If you are still aren’t sold on the idea of watching this show, just take into consideration that, whether you like him or not and besides all the flaws he definitely has, you can’t deny that the world is a different place because of Bill Gates. Very little people have had the kind of impact he’s had in his lifetime (and probably continue to have), so that reason alone should be enough to learn more about this iconic character of our planet’s history.

You can learn more about our lord and saviour (just joking… or am I? 👀) on Netflix.