Nacho Sueiro

As Obi-Wan Kenobi once said: Hello there!

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I’m listening to…

Youth by Daughter.

I’m listening to…

Drifting by Nate Eiesland.

Movie recommendation: Knives Out

Colonel Mustard did it in the library with the candlestick… Have you ever wondered what would the game Clue be…

Movie recommendation: The High Note

I’m not even gonna pretend I’m not biased here, because I’m guilty as hell of that. I have a soft…

"Band-aid" solutions should be dismissed. They solve a vast array of issues with minimal cost and effort; and sometimes, that is all it's needed. Malcolm Gladwell - The Tipping Point.

Quotes that resonated with me

Another interesting concept that resonated with me. I struggle with it a bit, but I also put it into practice when needed. I still have a long way to go to strike a perfect balance, but I will get there eventually.

Series recommendation: Altered Carbon

Imagine a future where humanity finds a way to store one’s conscience outside the brain. A world where bodies are…

I’ve read: The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point is a book by Malcolm Gladwell. It’s about the factors that come into play in social epidemics,…

We are all gradualists at heart, but radical change is more than a possibility.Malcolm Gladwell - The Tipping Point

Quotes that resonated with me

Among very interesting concepts and ideas, this is one that really stuck with me.

Series recommendation: Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates

I may be a little biased on this one because I really admire Bill Gates, but if you are a…

Series recommendation: When They See Us

When They See Us is a mini-series based on the real story of The Central Park 5, a group of…

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