Going to a World Cup was one of my biggest dreams since I can remember.

Every 4 years, the World Cup takes over my life. I watch, eat, and sleep soccer. I try to watch every single game of the 64 that this amazing competition brings to us. I have even woken up on a Saturday at 4AM to watch Algeria vs Slovenia. That’s how much I like it.

And in 2014, thanks to my brother, and the support of the rest of my family, I was able to experience it for real. I remember it was my 19th birthday when Juan, before leaving after dinner, told me “Oh, here’s your birthday gift… I managed to get the tickets: we are going to the World Cup”.

We went to Brazil not expecting a lot. Actually, we had booked hotels and flights to only be there until the round of 16. But Argentina just kept winning, so we stayed, and “the dream” exceeded all of the expectations I had. I think I couldn’t have asked for a better World Cup to be my first. Well, actually, yes, we could have won, but it was still amazing.